Online and In-Person Accent and Voice Coaching

Ingrid Gray offers pronunciation training, articulation practice, presentation technique skills, speech delivery and vocal power for non-actors as well as accent, dialect and voice coaching for actors. Discover effective methods to improve your vocal technique and make your speech clearer with bespoke group and one-to-one sessions.

Participants develop awareness and ability to hear and feel habits which guide the practice and enable change. These sessions explore practical and effective exercises that are also fun.

Enquire about a taster session to identify specific aims and a plan to achieve your desired goals. The sessions are in person and/or online.

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Accent for Actors

An exciting and practical approach to achieve perfection of a chosen accent. 


Clarity can be achieved through detailed work on your accent, and features of your mother tongue. 

Voice Training

Voice training sessions help develop a strong healthy and connected voice.